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Stacking is a way to control the relationship between elements that are arranged above and below each other on your canvas. Stack automatically puts elements inside a flex container which prevents overlap when the viewport changes size.

Creating a stack

Multi-select elements using Shift on your keyboard, then click Stack. Remember, you can only stack elements that are arranged above and below each other on your canvas.

Image showing a site being worked on in a workspace. The layers panel is open and 3 elements are highlighted.

Vertical margins

In a stack, the elements are separated by vertical margins, indicated by blue strips. To control the size of these margins, open the Inspector panel and under Margins, enter your desired values in px or %.

Note: in a stack, you’re addressing only the Top and Bottom margins between elements.

Image showing website in the workspace. The Inspector panel is open and margins is clicked on.

Reordering elements

You can manually switch the order of stacked elements using drag and drop. The margins will automatically adjust to accommodate the new layout.

Image showing a site design in the workspace. A stack is highlighted in the canvas indicating that you can use drag and drop to reorder.

Attaching & detaching

You’re free to drag elements in and out of a stack.

Note: These actions result in reparenting which changes the hierarchy of your site and affects all breakpoints.

Image showing site design in the workspace, showing attaching and detaching elements in the stack.

Unstacking elements

You can break up a stack to release elements from their flex container. Click anywhere in your stack, select Stack from the blue breadcrumbs and click Unstack. You can also unstack elements using the Layers panel.

Note: These actions result in reparenting which changes the hierarchy of your site and affects all breakpoints.

Image showing website in the workspace and how to unstack elements.


How scale text works


How scale text works




Docking & margins


Docking & margins

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